Martes, Agosto 23, 2011


Love is love- but why there is love-. With this matter I ask some of my classmates, friends and professors to define love based on their experience and knowledge.

According to Mr. Anaceto Dematera, Department Head, Print and Broadcast Media, College of Arts and Letters Bicol University, said that love can make the world go round. It is the craziest thing that one could ever feel. And one can never live without love.

Jaylin Omnes, a CS student of Bicol University Polangui Campus, states that love is like a rosary that is full of mystery. Indeed, I agree. Love just like rosary can make you feel sorrow and joy. Love can make you cry, fly and high. It can make you happily and stupidly crazy.

Love is not blind, it makes you blind stated by a friend whose name does not want to be presented. She also said that love can force you to close your eyes for you not to see the wrong and unfair situation of being in love. Your intelligence shows the negative thing but your emotion tells you not to mind it because it will hurt you.  In short, love can make you pretend.

With all the stories I heard from my friends, relatives and families. I can define love this way. Love is like a wind. It helps you breathe and live. But you need to take it slowly for you to control it- indeed, it is uncontrollable-. You need to accept that it flew away. Because if you don’t it will leave you in a big mess or worst it will kill you.